miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009


Beconing a culture aware teacher involves recognizing how people communicate by means of different ways.

What characterizes verbal communication and non verbal communication in your culture? What makes it different from other cultures you are familiar with? Provide examples and feel free to present it in a very creative way.

35 comentarios:

  1. HERE IS MY COMMENT http://ldcuervo.blogspot.com/2009/04/verbal-and-non-verbal.html

  2. Verbal and no verbal patterns have a lot of aspects very importants for comunication processes because they help to understand cultural and social factors into a society, a country or a specific culture.

    I think that through verbal and no verbal patterns people can express in a better way their belifs, behaviours and traditions.

  3. Despite we are living in a world under globalization, we are still acting as xenophobic and racist, we are full of prejudices,stereotypes and ignorance which make us unable to identify and to respect our own cultural patterns. So, what is the point of talk about teaching culture if we have not overcome our prejudices with our own culture?

  4. The characteristic of the nonverbal communication and verbal communication in my culture is:

    In my culture when someone communicates or express something is necessary to use the verbal and nonverbal communication because these are tied and helps to affirm the information not only through spoken words but with gestures, hand movements, eye contact, and the posture, in others; of this manner the information is totally received and understood by the audience or active agent in the communication process.
    As appropriate, I’m going to show some characteristics:

    *the tone of voice when someone wants to express something, it means, when I talk and my tone of voice is aloud or low can demonstrates that I’m happy, sad, worried, bored, etc.

    *The nonverbal communication and verbal communication depends on the instructional situation in a determinate group of communicators and their levels of communication for understanding the context and real meaning.

    *In my culture, there are roles, rules, expectations, feelings depending of the assessment situation and how the person wants communicate something, and also it depends on how the content of the information takes on a higher relevance.

    *the nonverbal signal (gestures, posture, hand movements, eye contact) sometimes affirms the verbal communication.

  5. In my country the nonverbal and verbal communication is different of other countries because:
    *the Colombian people are very expressive then when we communicate something verbally is obligatory or innate communicate with our posture, our gestures.
    When I say: “I’m happy, the life is wonderful” Is necessary express it with a good face, perhaps smiling and look up. In contrast, I can`t say “I’m happy, the life is wonderful” while my face is showing sadness, and my eyes is looking down.
    *For us, is very important and meaningful the physical characteristics of the communicators through this form we can understand more about the main idea of the information.
    *In other countries, is very important the environment because is the place where takes importance and relevance the communication, on the other hand, in Colombia the environment isn’t important to communicate something because we can express something in all places and often we are imprudent when we say inaccurate words in places out the context.
    Example: a teacher asks me about: what is life? Then I answer about the problems of the life and not the real correct answer.
    Other example is when I talk about over weight in front of a group of fat people.

  6. In our country we can find different communication ways due to our country has cultural influences which modify our life style where the idioms, accent and meanings change according to the town or city for instance, the bogotanian people use some expressions that costenian people don´t take in the same way .it depend on the country location climate, vegetation ,customs ,believes , thoughts .

    In my country the people show their feelings through specific gestures and movements which help to the kinesics communication. Every country have a culture which is expressed through different ways .

    The next pictures are examples about kinesics communication:

  7. Thanks for your comments.
    Youlin, don't you think we as teachers have a big responsibility to change those prejudices? What characterizes verbal communication and non verbal communication in your culture? What makes it different from other cultures you are familiar with?

  8. Verbal and nonverbal communication are the reason why human kind is able to interact and communicate with each other developing a way to express a pattern that identifies and represents every community in a particular culture.
    Through history human beings have communicated by signs and spoken language representing a human reality.
    Colombia represents a small culture community within a large latin culture in the wide world of culture communities. It is characterized by the use of spanish language since the arrival of spaniards to this continent hundreds years ago, its influence spread all over Colombian territory creating different language patterns. Some of the regional dialects in Colombian spanish area are the Andean ( including Cundinamarca, Boyaca and Nariño that is also called pastuso), Caribbean or coastal ( spoken by the caribbean individuals in the caribbean region of the country), Paisa ( spoken in the Colombian coffee areas, suchlike Antioquia, Caldas, Quindio and Risaralda) Rolo ( dialect of Bogotá, also called cachaco or educated), we can also find different styles and accents in other regions of Colombia such as Santander and Los llanos Orientales. Every Colombian regional dialects are identified by a particular accent and style, using their own terms as well according to the context. For example in Bogotá we can find different terms such as ( ala, the use of “tu” or “usted” according the social class. The term “onces” is used to express a mid afternoon snack while in the paisa region it is called “el algo”. The use of the term “sumercé” is also used in the Cundi-Boyacense aea to signify respect.. Some regional terms have been adapted by other regions as for example the term “parcero” which is an original paisa word that is been used now days in Bogotá and other cities of the country by youngsters and friends as a means of friendship and trust, of course this is according to the context and the way the terms are expressed. About non-verbal communication, it is important to notice that most of interaction signs and body language expressions are universal as for example skaking hands as a sign of friendship, a hugh as a sign of love, the usual face expressions that represent happiness, sadness, agreement, rejection and so forth. One of the differences that can be mention between my culture and other cultures I know is the proximity and the hand shaking that are very common in this country. People in the north side of the continent don´t get to close when speaking to others as we do here, the hand shaking as a sign of friendship or respect used very commonly here is not to frequent in the northern countries of the continent.
    Through history human beings have used verbal and nonverbal communication to be able to interact and relate with other cultures and develop their own way of life, for this reason I think communication is the foundation to progress and make human society in a culture capable for succeed and interact with other cultures without violence.
    Juan Carlos Medina Rojas.

  9. Juan Carlos, thanks for your comment.Did you take any part of the information from any source? If so, please, include the reference. Tell us more about nonverbal communcation.

  10. No teacher. I didn´t use any external source other than what I have learnt through my years as an individual who has been trying to understand my culture and other cultures as well. Everything I said in my last comment I took it from what has been taught in this classes and if I´m not mistaken from a class called "fonetica" in first semester when we learnt about language variations in Colombia. About nonverbal communication, as I said in the comment before, it is a specific and natural way to express and respond to determined message using facial gestures,body movements and hand signals without a word being said, however this kind of non-verbal communication might lead sometimes to misuderstandigs about the message that is trying to be sent, that´s why it is very important to be aware of the meaning of the signal or the gesture, because this could have different meaning in other cultures. We as English teachers have to learn, understand and acquire the different patterns and styles of verbal and non-verbal communication used specially in the English speaking countries. This way will be able to develope and carry out a class session which displays all aspects needed in an Engilsh class including its cultural aspects.
    Juan Carlos Medina Rojas

  11. Hello there.
    Our language is full of verbal and non verbal communication. The variety of cultures into the country reflects numerous ways to communicate a same thing or filling with a lot of expressions and gestures. A good example to see this is Bogotá, where people from every region live and relating each others in different situations and especially in educational environments.
    Let’s imagine a college party with people from the Atlantic coast, the Coffee region, Pacific region and from the Inner region. If you pay attention to the “costeños”, you will realize they speak loud and fast, and they also move their arms and hand to much, with force and fast movements. They look like the Afro-Americans in U.S.A.
    "Paisas" speak sometimes low and tender and other times loud with a lot of rudeness words, and that is accompanied with several kind of sights specially with the women.
    And "cachacos", like the most of us, we don't have a any kind of acent in our speech, maybe we are a little shy or serious to speak and we always have our hands into our pokets or the hand fingers and arms crossed.
    Definitively the way how colombian people express is full of gestures whiches always are accorded with the voice tone and the cultural context where they have grown.

  12. Verbal communication for education is very important for people because of they feel needs to communicate with society.
    Both verbal communication and non verbal communication are used in our society.
    I think that verbal communication is important for us because we are using every moment, in a classroom you receive personal information and you have the chance to resolve questions, but when you are alone browsing in the web if you have doubts is difficult to clarify it. This verbal communication is important because if you have some questions your teacher answered immediately.
    Teaching in a nonverbal way like virtuality can imply doubts or misunderstanding.

    Nonverbal communication in the education is a form of expression where you can develop your senses without having to be all the time in verbal contact. I think we should use a verbal and nonverbal method with our students especially to teach several languages.

  13. I would like talk about non verbal patterns,
    I think that non verbal patterns are more importants than verbal patterns,Why? because you can guess if a person is saying lies only for the way like move the eyes and the mounth, the way like a person dressed is so important, it could tell you if is an introverted or extrovert, also if you know read the non verbal patterns you can recognize some body postures like,if someone is so closer to you when you talk means interest in you,Also the movement of the hands can give us a lot of information about of what it is said, for instances:
    Eat, hungry, food, restaurant = Motion to open mouth, pat stomach.
    Don't know = Shoulders shrugged, hands and eyebrows raised.
    Money, expensive, how much? = Thumb and fingers rubbed together.
    Oops!= Fingers to mouth, eyes open wide.
    Which way, where? = Fingers pointed in opposite directions with quizzical look.
    # Nice to see you = Smile.
    there are many non verbal patterns in our culture when someone puts The thumb in her/his ear and the little finger near to the mouth means " call me ",
    To wrap the face up with the hands means "upset"
    to show the whole tongue means "tired" or Thirsty.
    To move the fingers or to do a constant sound with them means "worry" or "nerves".
    To rub the hands rapidly and to blow of them means "cold"
    Be windy with the hands in the face means "heat"
    To show the finger of the midle means .....well, already you know :o
    well. these are some non verbal patterns or non verbal language that we use in our culture there are infinitive ways to say something without words.

  14. Hello everybody, I'm looking forward to reading your comments in this blog.

  15. Hi Cristian, I agree with you, having people from different parts of the country in the same space is a good way of seeing how they communicate and the variety of verbal and non verbal patterns they use to make themselves understood.
    Let's see what your classmates comment on it.

  16. Diana, nice contribution. However, is it possible to say that one pattern is more important than the other?

    Kabriherur... who am I talking to?

  17. Our cultural expressions are very diverse and different from other cultures’ but we also have adapted several verbal and no verbal patterns as time passes by. These patterns differ depending on several aspects such as age, social status, location, etc. Nowadays we see young people trying to imitate the way Americans behave, dress and communicate influencing the verbal and non verbal aspects used by these youngsters in almost every space they share. The input almost always comes from music and videos, TV shows and movies which show a stereotype that most of them easily take as true and adapt to their everyday life.
    I was once speaking with a German friend that lives in the U.S. now and he was telling me that when he came it was so difficult for him to understand what people were trying to tell him. He would tell me “you Colombians speak as if you were spiting the words, you don’t open your mouth at all when speaking and you move your faces and hands as if you were in a party every day”; but he had to face the most difficult situation with his friend’s mother which spoke no English and was always talking to him in Spanish as if he understood everything, he told me he had to eat thing that he found disgusting, he went to places he didn’t want to go to and at the end he ended up in a hotel because he couldn’t stand the whole situation. He only felt comfortable with me and my friends who speak English and have traveled abroad so we understood the difference and the shock between “both worlds”.
    I think the main differences between our cultural patterns are that we feel more familiar with people in an easier way, we also try to make people feel welcome by inviting them to share our traditions when they are visiting us but sometimes we don’t realize some of those traditions can be hard to understand and follow and we also are a little aggressive when making invitations and outsiders might feel almost obligated to do whatever activity we propose just to be polite. As we were talking in the course when the subject was introduced, some non verbal expressions we frequently use can be misunderstood by other cultures and they can even be impolite so that is why we have to be aware as students and also as teachers because the more informed we are, the better we will be able to behave, teach and understand others in cultural terms.

  18. Hi everybody!!!

    Verbal and non-verbal patterns of communication are an essential part of everyday life in any culture.The differences in these patterns is what really makes one culture different from the other, and this fact enriches our life as human beings. I just really enjoy thinking about all the ways in which we humans communicate and use as many tools as there can possibly exist to make sure our message is getting across. Keeping this in mind, these patterns can be updated, created, and modified according to our communicaive needs. As teachers and educators, I consider that having a broad knowledge of any possible pattern should be transmitted to our students so they use them in their communicative tasks as well.

    see ya!!! Luis Carlos Adán

  19. Hi again!!!

    In Colombia, people use non-verbal patterns of communication on a daily basis. In my personal case, I like to give my students the teacher look when I sense that students are misbehaving or are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. I think that this teacher look is a universal pattern, because when I went to school, most of my teachers were foreign and I they gave me their teacher look every single day...

  20. A look says more than thousand words; a word and its context create new thoughts.

    Through the corporal expressions is easy to identify the context and meaning of some sentences due to the eyes contact permit that another person in conversations improve their understanding over the verbal pattern. When we communicate without eyes contact, one way in which we can improve our understanding is concentrating our attention in tone of voice of the speaker to identify some feelings.

  21. The behavior of people, describes totally the verbal and non verbal language in a person, that’s why every person is unique, and we can to observe when people use corporal language, speech, and the most important knowledge because we can realize how is the personality. Anyhow
    In my country we have many zones that show a great variety of behaviours, but even more I realize how people from different places have a behaviour for example in the place of work, and we can mention people from Caribe is so happy and handles a corporal language that makes you feel comfortably, happy and informally
    In Santander people talk if they were angry, or people from Medellin that have reputation great for being businessmen.

    In my country we have a great variety of verbal and not verbal patterns, for example
    In Colombia, tapping the underside of the elbow with the fingers of the other hand suggests that someone is stingy
    Or to indicate the eye with the finger in order to say to someone that you watched something, therefore the differences between cultures are great, but a the and we have a similarity in the interpretation of situations for example happiness, sadness, danger, alarm, help, surprise etc.
    Certainly in many countries people are very polite to speak and to behave, this would be very important to apply it to our Colombian society in order to be more respectful, to come in time to our appointments and meetings, but this situation is very difficult to change it because this is our culture and thanks to it we differ from others.

    alejandra valencia n

  22. Verbal and no verbal communication in my country
    In my country verbal communication and non verbal communication is major factor to use expression and behaviours depend where people are, living even the Colombia people have got different styles to live, but in so many cases we know the different cultures in Colombia
    Communication is an important and basic needs of existences human, is the process of transferring information, also I can say, The Colombia communication is commonly defined as interchange of thoughts, ideas, opinions or information by speech, writing or signs. In my country we sometimes live among so many cultures and some cases we can learn from them, like the people that day by day know their behaviors and cultural habits. In Colombia The people can also be defined as the transfer or exchange of information between town; however we can identify and know each, behaviors, gesture and corporal expression, for this reason is important to know as communicate us and why is interesting to learn and understand verbal and nonverbal meanings even the skills we can develop in various places in Colombia. Verbal communication requires a language, and language in this country are the basis of communication or is the interaction between people, that is to say, verbal communication in Colombia is one way for people to communicate face to face. Some of the key components of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking, and language. the language is so important in our culture but other form to identify non verbal communication is the food each city, each city have a traditional food for Example:
    In the city of Medellín the typical dish is the bandeja paisa. Most people in Medellín don't eat it but people in other cities and countries eat it often, In the city of Cali, the most traditional dish is "sancocho de gallina" a soup composed mostly of chicken, plantain, corn, coriander, yuca root, and other seasonings and In Bogotá and the Andean region, ajiaco is the traditional dish, my country have got so many form to use the communication even we can identify speech form.

  23. The variation in the verbal and non verbal comunication in my culture or any other culture, depends on the country or city location, the climate of the region, the customes, the believes and the thoughts of the people belonging to that culture.
    In my view, the culture which I belong to and all cultures around the world, use non verbal communication, perhaps the most of times in an unconscious way, because it is a natural tool to express ourselves, to emphasize the verbal comunication and to show up to others our ideas, opinions, feelings, believes and so on; by using facial gestures, body movements, posture, eye contact and hand signals. This pattern of comunication has got such a big importance to be recognized in a good form and using it in the proper time, space and culture to avoid misunderstandings in the context and real meaning.


  25. Accordin to the text "Verbal patters" , some of the verbal patters we use are influence by our culture also every language has a unique way of expressing human need. Most part of the time in my culture we use in our verbal communication some expressions in order to express ourselves but they can change according to the situations, that is the case of our proverbs. They means a short, popular saying expressing a well-know truth or fact. Here I have some specific Colombian expressions:

    1. A mí me gustan las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso

    2. Uno no es monedita de oro para caerle bien a todo el mundo

    3. Píntemela a ver y yo le digo cuántos pares son tres moscas

    4. Ni que estuviéramos bravos

    5. ¿Durmió conmigo anoche o qué, que no saluda?

    6. Esos dos son uña y mugre

    7. Me la puso de pa´rriba

    8. Que se va de playa, ¿no?

    9. Sóbese que no hay pomada

    10. Tengo un filo, que si me agacho me corto

    11. Está que se las pela

    12. ¿Qué desea de principio? ¿Garbanzo u arveja?

    13. ¡Quite de hay!1

    14. Bueno se me van bajando del bus aquí todos

    15. ¿Y eso quién pidió pollo?

    16. ¿Qué hay pa´hacer? Pues, empanadas que es lo que más se vende.

    17. ¡Ay, no se me coloque así!

    18. ¡Nanay cucas!

    19. Esto está más largo que una semana sin carne

    20. Váyase por la sombrita.

    Other example of verbal comunications is male and female relationships. In our culture we usually use specific language with our friends in some contexts. Please check it out a good
    example in the following page: http://www.youtube.com/hetores/rapido y ocioso. or. www.youtube.com/hetoresun/poya

    usually share our experiences and we often use specific language with our friends.

    Other way to express ourselves is using nonverbal communication. According with the text Nonverbal communication, have begun to consider communication that takes place without words. In some types of comunications people express more nonverbally than verbally. Here I have a good example with verbal and nonverbal situations in our language. please check it out in: www.youtube.com/nonverbalcommunication


  26. It´s Iván Méndez and not Diana Méndez...sorry I forgot write my name at the end.
    Well you rigth,Maybe not more important, but,it´s more significant, I think that you have learn to read the non verbal language beacause is around 60% in a conversation and you can't hide yor gestures, you can´t hide the movement of your eyes, -until you are a professional liar- with the verbal language you can say anything and nobody knows if is real or not, but if you know read the non verbal patterns you will know if the person is saying the true or is everything is fake.
    Iván Méndez.

  27. I am going to speak about not verbal communication, the not verbal communication is realizaed across multitude of signos: sensory images, sounds, gestores, corporal movements, and so on.

    We can say tha not verbal conducts or not verbal communication like the corporal movements, positions,attitudes, of the body and the head, facial expressions, trasmit a valuable information it, brinsg over of emotional condition, about who express the not verbal signs or not verbal communication.

    We see also, that certain aspects of the corporal communication are common to almost all the cultures, already be because they are innate, or due to the fact that they are the result of personal experiences.

    But also we can find meanings different from agreement to the culture in which we are, such as: A Greek or a Turk throws our) head backward to express disagreement, we the Colombians move the head lightly towards a side and other one, the Colombians tambiens use the following signs like that:
    " "Mmm" to say "if"
    "ah"? To say that?
    Signs do with the hands to say "bye-bye" " the hands to set or to support cob the palms up shrinking the shoulders, to express " not "
    To put the forefinger on the lips to indicate silence.
    Other cultures use totally different, or similar gestures but with different meanings.
    The english men to say to a person "come" they express doing a sign with the finger and the palm of the hand up.
    A person who blushes reveals confusion.
    A smile signifies happiness
    A smile signifies greeting
    A smalie signifies welcome
    wrinkle may display disagreement, unhappiness, dissatisfacion, anger and so on.

    I want to finish saying that if a person wishes to communicate of correct with another person of different culture or to avoid to be a misunderstanding, the person must know not only the elements linguisticos of the language but also the elements paralinguisticos.

    Weel, there exist infinities of not verbal signs us the human beings report.

    Yolanda Romero

  28. Before to my Cultural Awareness class I never had had to thing in what characterizes of verbal and non verbal communication there is in my culture like ways to express feelings or necessities, but now, thinking in this, I found a lot.

    In my context there are persons that dress, talk, dance, eat or do diary routines whit personal style. This is a culture, and this kind of person grows watching, learning and receiving costumes to their families, teachers and society, forming their own personality, depending to the environment, the situation of the place, if it is near to the sea or in the middle of the country.

    For example, persons who likes use white shoes, red brilliant shirt, black or white hat, that walk with a special movement (in our words with Tumbao), or who says The Girl to call or refer a special person for them, for example: La niña Carolina…, or when someone is doing something in a bad way whit a bad reaction, they say take it easy, (Cógela suave), or don´t be arrebatao.
    This is the gentilicio of a kind of costeños, that all the time say: Barranquilla is your father and in all football soccer plays says: Junior is your father, and when they want to say hello says: Look or ajá and do you what; when they affirm something says: ajá o because ajá, or just ajá cuadro, that means: What are you doing?, or Chao pescado that means: bye. Using a lot their arms and hands, costeños speak loud until when they are singing Vallenato and say Ay Hombe, they open their arms and lower their heads, showing like a shame.
    I talk about Costeños, because I work whit some of them, adults, teen agers, students, but I work too whit Boyacos. Which are people from Boyacá. They are very kinds. And I liked when they were looking something and finally they found it, they said Me lo topé, it sounds so particular. When they speak whit other person they say sumerce that means a lot of respect whit the other. They speak a loud too, but they are more conservators. When Boyacos arrive to a place the say jo jo joy jo jo joy, to get the attention, or to interrupt.

    In Colombia there are a lot of ways to verbal and non verbal communications in the same way than regions and getilicios. Maybe we can not understand why Costeños have to listen to music with a very high sound or why they have to give a serenade whit a vallenato group at 1:00 am, or why they are very noisy wherever they are, but I can say that the majority of the cachacos loves vallenatos and sign in the same or until better way that costeños sing Vallenatos. For this reason we have to try to understand them. Their costumes their likes and try to live calmly, understanding that they grew in a context different to us, and some times we can not understand but we have to try to do it.

  29. The people understand what I want to say and I understand what the people say to me?
    The communication between cultures and the use of different and representative languages has been in the last years an enormous phenomenon in all countries.
    The people have the necessity to establish a good verbal communication with other communities to generate relationships between citizens also the people use strategies like the body and some expression with their face which help people from other city or country to understated difficult words or idioms.
    The culture has a big influence on this for example in Colombia is very common to appreciate people from Barranquilla, Cali and Medellin using different verbal and non verbal patters.
    Moving hands, touching, speak with intonation etc.
    It is very familiar for us as Colombian people because our culture grows with these patters and we use every day in different situations and the majority of Colombian people understand them.

    “The communication between people is permanent transformable and unavoidable”

  30. I think that these elements are useful mainly for the communication process, for example if you need to express a feeling you never use only words,The communication that happens when two people are face to face it is possible through all the senses.

    Frequently, all the senses make contact with the world, with the senses we caught the world that surrounds us, we communicated and we know ourselves.

    The communication is a very complex act where participate several processes "conscious and unconscious" not only the things are said with words. Silence, voice tone and the intonation also contribute to give a meaning beyond the words.

    Each communicative act has physical, corporal and gestual behaviors that expresses more than words in many cases.

    Teacher I´m sorry, but i couldn´t send you from my e mail, and Carolina Makes me the favor


  31. Nonverbal and verbal communication… how much of them do we have in our communications?
    To me, It is a very interesting topic, mainly the nonverbal one, because while we can say whatever we want with our words but our body never lies…

    Sending and receiving wordless messages… we move in that interesting world… and we always read others from our own experiences without trying to see their particular situations.

    I read some days ago something “…Much nonverbal communication is based on arbitrary symbols, which differ from culture to culture, a large proportion is also to some extent iconic and may be universally understood...” Hey !!! They are quite right !!! However, it is important for us, at least, to take a look at the cultures we are trying to deal with… and there’s something we can’t deny: nonverbal and verbal communication complement each other.

    Eliana Torres D.

  32. Yes, I think so. Those patterns are body language, how we relate to others, our routines, our behaviour. It is interesting because is the characeteristics of culture that we don't usually see,for example when we arrive to a classroom we open all the windows like if every single thing smells bad, how can we adapt our outfits to be in summer during the mornings and autumm in the afternoons. How we react on front of black people regreting our mixed background, expresions as

    ese negro de mierda or huele horrible aca are general patterns that identify us.

    Why we wait to sit down when someone just left?

    Why we always take a shower in the mornings?

    Why we usually take more than a shower per day?

    Those are questions that could help us to identify our cultural patterns.
