jueves, 30 de abril de 2009


All of you are invited to post here at least three different and creative ways of teaching culture in the EFL classroom. You are supposed to name the activity, explain its purpose and type of students it can be used with, and provide the necessary instructions and resources to carry it out.


43 comentarios:

  1. Well it is dificult to say something without knowing the context, however I think that one interesting way is the following one.

    Teacher writes in the board or in a piece of paper some sentences:

    I don't care
    I am angry
    I love you
    How much?

    Teacher gives a piece of paper for each group and ask students to find the body language signals that means those sentences in your own culture..

    I think it really works and help students to identify differents types of communication and their relationship with culture.

  2. Elena Trujillo sent this message to the Blog. She also sent some two pictures included above.

    I consider that teaching Culture is difficult but one way that we can start to teach Culture is when our students are children. For children most of the tale stories are an innovation, they really enjoy to read all stories which contended things different to our culture (clothes, places, food)
    In my own experience I have been teaching English literature using tale story about other cultures, one of them is Puss in Boots written by Charles Peraut. I want to share with yours one part of how I teach English literature with my students.
    They are students for first grade, the ages are between 6 and 7 years they are in an adaptation process in a bilingual school.
    One of the first step that I did was designed a Unit Graphic Organizer according to (TfU) Teaching for Understanding.
    In this planer I included my purpose: With this book I wanted that my students become familiar with reading in English and have an approach with old English culture in a funny way.
    Strategies: In the first class I showed a presentation to catch the reader's attention with many pictures about castles, representatives’ places and man and women clothes years ago. That presentation helped to the children understood more about the book. In all read process I explained verbal and not verbal patterns, a lot of vocabulary using word and a picture also listening with British pronunciation making a comparison with American pronunciation.
    They enjoyed a lot because as a final project they prepared one scene of the story and show it for other students using the vocabulary and representative clothes about that time.

  3. Joulin, thanks for your first comment to this blog. Please have into account the following instruction.

    All of you are invited to post here at least three different and creative ways of teaching culture in the EFL classroom. You are supposed to name the activity, explain its purpose and type of students it can be used with, and provide the necessary instructions and resources to carry it out.

  4. As we know teaching culture has been traditionally just provide cultural information; but currently some researchers have discovered that some dimensions are necessary to do it, so teachers may take into account the aesthetic, sociological, semantic and pragmatic sense which help people to create cross cultural encounters in and outside of the classrooms.
    Those cross cultural encounters are worthy because include three fundamental aspects:
    1. Cultural behavior
    2. Cultural Knowledge
    3. Cultural artifacts
    Those aspects could vary in cultures and individuals interactions, so we as teachers have to promote tolerance and understanding, but it is easier said than done, for that reason we have to teach culture as difference and for this is necessary also create spheres of interculturality, where students can share and learn about other's cultures without discriminations. if you want to know more information, you are welcome to my personal blog:

  5. I think that teaching culture is important for students because language and culture are integral to one another. The structure of language and the ways it is used reflect the norms and values that members of a culture share. However, they also determine how those norms and values are shared, because language is the means through which culture is transmitted.

    It could teach culture through interaction between Video, CDs, TV, Readings, Internet and Stories. Some other types of activity that we have found useful include the following but with a bit of thought, most standard EFL activities can be easily adapted for use in the culture classroom. The most important point is to ensure that the students are actively engaged in the target culture and language. The games, Role Plays, Reading activities, Listening activities, Writing activities, Discussion activities and Singing are the best ways to include culture within curriculum.

  6. The help of the teacher is very important to the students get into another culture. One of the interesting ways to the students begin to know about the new culture is the teacher give them information about the country and they do the “role play “ where students have to learn and represent some characters .
    Another way is the teacher took to the class room some of the news papers , magazines and books with information and pictures about the culture of country .
    Another form is take to the students to watch a movie and take out some information about religión, food customs and then try to find some differences or coincidences among them and discussing

    In this lesson students are going to combine the use of the target language with a cultural element called gastronomy.
    We all know that food is a major part of our culture and the culture of others. The following information supports the idea of food and culture in the U.S.:
    Food and Culture
    Exploring the Flavors of Your Community
    For thousands of years, immigrants to this country have brought foods, culinary practices, beliefs about edibles, and related traditions along with them. Indigenous groups have their own unique "foodways." (This concept can apply to a culture, region, or historical period.) Although it may seem as though burgers, fries, and shakes make up our national cuisine, a tremendous diversity of foods and cooking customs flourish in our midst.
    Now that most school gardens have been put to bed (except for the enviable warm-climate variety), and visions of Thanksgiving feasts prevail, consider engaging students in the fascinating study of food and culture. By examining what different groups eat; how they prepare it; and the role of edible fare in celebrations, social lives, and belief systems, students will have a unique lens on history and culture. Such a project can also be an ideal springboard for exploring and appreciating ethnic and regional diversity.
    We suggest ways to uncover the foodways represented in your classroom and broader community. By engaging with and interviewing community members, and creating a thematic cookbook, students will hone communications skills. When they look beyond our own harvest celebration and explore related festivals throughout the world, they'll begin to grasp the power and many faces of the people/food connection.
    This lesson can be used with any type of student, from kindergarten to university students, exchange students, company employees, you name it.
    The basic elements to carry out this class are basically a kitchen, it could be at your school or at a student’s house, and the necessary ingredients for the recipes, and let’s not forget the language connection; this means, the plan to introduce the target language in the process.
    The perfect closure for this class would be promoting a campaign related to multiculturalism using the target language and the earnest will to meet other cultures, and of course doing through the use of delicious traditional and contemporary recipes.
    Sources: http://www.kidsgardening.com/growingideas/projects/oct03/pg1.html


    TOPIC: Learning about food, traditions, beliefs, fashion, kind of music.

    RESOURCES: Videos, Colombian magazines, American magazines, scissors, stick, cards, markets and rules.

    TYPE OF STUDENT: They are children between 11 and 12 years old.


    1. The teacher greets to the students and gives an example of the meaning of a word that has different meaning in different countries, then, the teacher explains why it word is different from a cultural approaches.
    2. The teacher explain the activity showing a poster where it showa the cultural differences between these countries. The aspects will be: food, cinema, fashion, kind of music, the most famous artists, etc.
    3. The teacher will organize group of three people and she will give the material for the activity.
    4. This activity dures about 1 hour.
    5. After that, the student will pass in front of the class and show the card with a explanation and the pictures the differences between the Colombian and American culture.
    6. Finally, the teacher will do the feedback about the topic and she will finish with a short video.

    We all know that being aware of what is happening in our culture is important, but we also know that being aware of what happens in other parts of the world, also makes up part of our culture.
    The main goal of this activity is to use the target language to promote the creation of a news program for the class in which students can update their peers in the latest news around the globe.
    As a resource students could go to pages like the following and report to their classmates in the way of a news broadcast:
    This lesson can be carried out with high school students and above.
    Students have to select information based on real life news and create different scenes in which they include different characters such as reporters, presenters and camera crew. They can perform in front of the class, record the program, or film a video.

  10. I have chosen three activities which will be introduce to children, teenagers and adults.
    The first activity will be presented to children between 9 and 12 years old. The activity is called "thanksgiving day celebration". The purpose of this activity, is to make students aware of the American culture through a cartoon video which shows different aspects of the north american culture such as language, style and fashion, including food preferences and old style clothing tendencies that influenced current fashion styles. STRATEGY:1-)Students will watch a cartoon video. This video shows different aspects of the arrival to America from Europe of colonists that settled in the East coast of the U.S.A and further spread all over the country. The video presents American natives and new settlers interacting with each other developing since then a new culture in the American continent. The video is an example of how language, fashion and style were introduce in North America and how this cultural aspects have been attached to the North American people since the 19th century.2-)Students will receive an article that includes pictures and paragraphs showing and explaining the main cultural aspects of the video like food tendencies, language style and old fashion clothing style.3-)Students answer a questionnarie about the main cultural aspects learned in the video and the article. This activity is planned for children with a basic level of English.
    The second activity will be presented to a group of teenagers from 15 to 17 years old. The name of the activity is "American culture through music", its purpose is to let students know the importance of jazz music in the u.s.a and the influence of african people in the american culture and its music preferences. STRATEGIES:1-)Students will listen to a song called "what a wonderful world" interpreted by a famous American jazz singer.2-)Students receive a copy of the song that includes gaps to be filled in with vocabulary of the song to be checked while listening for second time.Check understanding.3-)Students listen and they are asked to sing along with the song. Fun and entertaining.This activity is intended for intermediate level of English.
    The third activity will be presented to a group of adults with upper intermediate level of English. The activity is called " Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. The purpose of this activity is to reinforce former knowledge of English culture and improve students vocabulary.STRATEGIES. 1-)Students are required to read the two first chapters of the book and focuse on the main cultural aspects of the story.2-)After reading there will be a conversatory pointing the main ideas of the author´s cultural ideas.
    Juan Carlos Medina

  11. Well, I think that might be a good way to teach Culture if a use “Show me what you know” activity:
    There is a group of Colombian students with ages between 14 and 17 years old, who are learning English as a second language, by the way with any sort of student is possible to carry out with this activity. I as teacher, ask students to list all aspects that they already know about the english or american culture. Then, I organize the group in small groups of 3 or 2 students and ask them to start comparing the aspects that they have written in their lists. When they have finished their comparisons, with the whole group we start to discuss about what they wrote and what they were talking about.
    This is an activity that is going to help me to recognize which are the particular factors about culture that students are interested in, but also to find out the previous knowledge that they have about those particular cultures and can start to work on that. Another advantage students can take from this activity is to get and share information at each other about their own classmate’s knowledge and or experiences.
    After identifying student’s interests, I may show to them some videos that I have already brought before and show them even more about what they already knew.
    There is an interesting and very complete activity that I found on the web (http://home.sandiego.edu/~mmagnin/simulation.html) and I would like to share with you and also to carry out with my future students about teaching culture as a second language where I am going to be able to talk with my students about differences of the cities, people and customs. For example, starting to talk about the city aspects like where your building is, the people who live there, and the local customs they practice will be the first vehicles to teach culture.
    1. THE CITY
    The choice of a city is the first step. When teaching English as a second language in China, you may decide at the beginning that you prefer to teach about the United States rather than England.
    • Comparing maps of Shanghai and the Los Angeles area sets off differences in the layout. Los Angeles offers many grids and few circular patterns except when urban development followed the natural layout of the terrain such as canyons, and steep hills.
    • Streets provide many cultural insights through the width of streets and sidewalks, number of pedestrians, look and number of cars.
    • The architecture of the buildings are good indicators: are there shops on the bottom floor, offices or apartments above, windows that open, balconies?
    • Interior decoration illustrates lifestyles. An American kitchen usually displays a microwave oven and a toaster. Television sets appear in the "family room," bedrooms and sometimes even in kitchens, showing the importance of this medium in the culture.

    The second step is the choice of an identity as a tenant in the building. Each student will choose a name (it can indicate ethnic origin), an age (all the students should not "pretend" to be a 15 or 20 year-old student living in a foreign country to learn the language), a gender and a profession or occupation, hobbies, family members and friends:
    • some professions and occupations could be, according to age and sex: shopkeeper, secretary, salesman, cook, ballerina, lawyer, artist, poet, journalist, housewife, baseball player, telephone operator, retired teacher, hotel receptionist, doctor, student, truck driver, accountant.
    • hobbies: sports or movies, reading, dancing, gardening, playing cards, singing.
    Each of these hobbies gives an opportunity to describe very different places and the people who practice these activities, the way they dress, and interact.
    • families can be small or large, the tenant can be very sociable and have many friends or be a loner.

    Local customs provide many opportunities for interaction and meaningful communication as well as chances to ask questions and learn. As you read the following list of topics, picture these activities in another English-speaking country, very different from the United States (India, Jamaica, South Africa or Australia):
    • getting settled and meeting the neighbors, colleagues or shop-keepers
    • meeting people in the street or in the apartment building - informal invitations, greetings, polite phrases
    • opening a bank account, obtaining telephone service, utilities, newspaper delivery
    • furnishing the apartment
    • shopping for groceries
    • major holidays (Christmas, New Year, Valentine's day, Easter, Memorial Day , 4th of July, Labor day, Halloween and Thanksgiving), birthday parties, baby showers, school reunions, graduations
    • etiquette for using technology (telephone, answering machines, faxes)
    • an inheritance (who is it from, and what is it?)
    • looking for work: an opportunity to discuss "resumé" writing. Also a chance for students to look at their own future and ambitions, and to compare work conditions (hours, salary, promotions)
    • a serious problem at work. A look at solutions and customary ways to handle the situation
    • shopping for a car (and a look at public transportation available)
    • going on vacation (where, and whom with?)
    • life in the building a hundred years ago (a little history)
    • moving away. (To conclude: the building will be destroyed to make room for a shopping mall. Or: the celebration of ten years spent in the building, or a reunion.)

    These are all opportunities to discover a different world, to communicate and use the target language, in this case, English, either in oral or written contexts. They constitute incentives that will motivate the students to find out more about each of these topics, to explore and learn the vocabulary to deal with them. The teacher can be the main provider of information and bring to class pictures, slides, or movies. Students can do their own research at the library or on the Web. This information can be compiled in files kept by the students on index cards or computer files, and shared with the rest of the class.

  12. Teaching culture in the class is not easy, but nowadays we have several sources and materials to teach the different aspect that lucking up the culture.
    We have a great advantage in contrast with pass time. The technology is our first allied, mainly the internet which has the information at first hand and all kind of exercise to interact directly with people from some culture; a very good web page is livemocha.com, where the students could put in contact with native people who could help them to improve their english level and knowing a lot of their culture.
    Another way to teach culture is through the TV shows and series. Currently the young people live in a fast world where the images and the video are the main way to get into their brain; and also, the acces to the broad tv programs is scope of everybody, and it's a excelent tool to take advantage of the people's language, speech habits and behaves that use some society.
    Finally, another good way to teach culture is through the intervention of a native language person in the classroom, who can talk about his/her own life, experince and life stile in his / her country.

    As we all know, history has been told for many years based on the glorious and triumphant, but, what has been of the vanished and the ones who have lived unknown.
    The main goal of this lesson is for students to combine the use of the target language with a mini- research project based on historical facts of different cultures that have not been so well known. For example, as Colombians and as we have mentioned previously in class, we can observe that what many people abroad have seen of Colombia is not everything there is to see.
    This activity would work best with high school students and above. The language level would probably begin in intermediate.
    Students can work alone or in pairs. The task is to collect information from their own culture that many in the world do not know and that has been shadowed by other type of information the mass media has offered. The students will report to class in a short presentation and will give classmates a printed summary of their findings.

  14. Three different ways of teaching culture in the EFL classroom for adults:
    1. Choose the country
    2. Research some of history about this country
    3. Do reflections (what do you know or what didn´t you)Writing report
    4. Share the information in the class
    5. Choose the topic (Food, Music, Costumes)
    6. Take a count questions of things that we don’t’ know
    7. Compare with our Culture (Things that are or no)
    8. Do some questions about special things
    9. Watch a video about this county
    10. Inviting a native person ask and share the work done in group
    11. Talk whit him and ask the things that we didn’t know
    12. Is it that all the time the TV shows us?
    13. What we know about others cultures
    14. We conserve and values our costumes
    The second way:
    The same to the first but changing the native for a Colombian person who before had had lived in the country choose.
    The third way
    1. Read a book (novel) who has a lot of description about this county
    2. Do a research about its author
    3. Do a rol play whit the students
    4. Do a reflection How was and how is this country
    5. How our culture is and how we can share whit others cultures
    6. What we know about others cultures
    7. Watch a video about this county
    8. Is it that all the time the TV shows us?
    9. Johanna Carolina Martinez C.

  15. To complet the exercise the name of the activity posted below the name of the activity is communication trough body language. The porpuse of the activity is to develop conciousnes about communication trough the body and to understand that body language acts in a different way among cultures. The population for this activity could be students over 7 years.

  16. Sonia Ramirez
    Depending on what we want to teach from a certain culture, we can design several activities to show the aspects we want our students to learn, but as we saw in the material, we have to be extremely careful when choosing the material, the subject and activities we are going to use.
    I would make an English festival and I would ask my students to choose in groups the country or culture they want to research about, then they would find all the necessary information to prepare the festival which would include music, food and any cultural expression students might find. While they present what they have researched about they have to explain also if English is used as an international, second or first language. The time for preparing the Festival would be about a month and each week students would have to hand in a paper in which they present the findings and plans they have in order to present the day of the festival.

  17. Avoiding prejudice (Intermediate or above)

    This activity is focused to promote respectful relationships with members from another cultures and ours as well.

    The activity should be developed in two sesions, the first one is about Colombia and common prejudice.

    Teacher introduce the topic talking about the differences between people from the coast, west, east, etc., asking students about what they know about them. Then teacher explain the what a prejudice is and ask students to make some research about the most common prejudice about those groups. Studentes are allowed to work individually or by groups.

    The next sesion starts with students presentations, when they finish teacher ask them about what prejudices exist about Colombia, an encourage students to compare with what they found about other colombians.

    Finally to conlude teacher gives images of people from the whole world and ask students to share with their classmates what they think about them and then to chek if those aspects are true or are prejudice. To close de activity teacher asks students to tell their final conlusions.

  18. I took the idea from the web page www.nadasisland.com because is really interesting how they choose a topic and develop it in several ways, in this case the topic will be Colombian Music.

    This topic is going to be divided in four parts like this:

    A)Knowing about (getting information)

    1)Nature of content -- getting information
    - what is the most representative Colombian Music
    - Colombian Music an important role in Colombian life.
    2) Techniques/activities -- cultural readings; films/videotapes; recordings; realia (cultural artifacts); personal anecdotes.
    3) Note
    - how music is traditionally taught -- giving students information and asking them to show that they know it;
    - teacher role: informant.

    B) Knowing how (developing behaviors)
    1) Nature of content -- skills
    - buying tickets to a concert in Colombia
    - be as a Colombian Fan ,
    - sing a Colombian song.
    2) Techniques/activities: dialogs, role plays, simulations, field experiences, songs, lyrics
    3) Note
    - Students will take the role as Colombian People who love so much music
    teacher role: model.

    C). Knowing why (discovering explanations)
    1) Nature of content -- values and assumptions
    - why is music so important to Colombian people?
    - why do Colombian music has many sounds?
    - how does this compare with your culture?
    2) Techniques/activities
    - learners interpret and make explanations based in their own culture,

    D) Knowing oneself (personalizing knowledge)
    1) Nature of content -- self-awareness
    - what importance do music have in YOUR life?
    - how did it feel to act like Colombians?
    - would you choose to act like this?
    2) Techniques/activities
    - learners examine and make statements about themselves,
    - reflective writing,

  19. I am going to explain two more activities to complete my information according to different and creative ways of teaching culture in the EFL classroom.
    I will continue to use (TfU) Teaching for Understanding method.

    Subject: History
    Students: Fourth grade in a bilingual school.
    Name of activity: Globalization focuses in world economy.
    Purpose: Introduce the importance and impact of globalization on us in many ways.
    Strategy: Use representative and international logos for the students (Coke, eat at McDonalds, wear Nike runners and use Nokia mobile phones)
    Questions: What are the importance and influence of these logos in countries like U.S.A, Australia and England? What about other countries? How it affect the world economy?
    Task: The students will to research information that I will give them and they will prepare a short presentation about their point of view and the answer.
    Subject: Geography
    Students: Seventh grade in a bilingual school.
    Name of activity: Europe
    Purpose: The students will understand which countries make up the European continent and what the locations are.
    Strategy: They will be tourists of this world, they need to make virtual trip to Europe using internet and they will check specific links about maps and some information about European continent.
    Questions: What is the biggest country? What are the most expensive to life ?and what are the waters?
    Task: The students will create a Travel Brochure about his favorite country using a map for the location.

  20. The teacher here I am send three method that I consider they can help to teach(show) the culture in the class room.

    1.- The chats - conferences: his efficiency is in that it exposes a specific aspect of the culture, allowing to the students to take notes simultaneously that listen. The fact of inviting native speakers to do a presentation in class, brings the language and the culture over to the pupils to the atterrizar physically and to make concrete. If this is impossible, also we can record the native one or realize a video conference. This activity, it gives place to the production of activities of any nature since they are the practice of vocabulary, of grammar, and of situations and social contexts.

    2.- Material of audio-visual: ideal to realize activities that foment the skills related with of the scout. Inside this one we emphasize the engraved interviews, for being an authentic sample of the linguistic exchange, that allows to the pupil to observe the verbal and corporal language, simultaneously that sees the social behavior of the speaker in punctual situations, making him notice the linguistic variables and the social rituals marked by the context of this moment.

    3.- - The reading text: when we choose a text written to be employed at class it is important to think since we are going to present it, and the possible linguistic difficulty and of comprehension that could it takes implicitly the cultural select topic. We believe that the most positive and valid thing is the reading to appear as a process that we can initiate presenting a text in the language that is The Importance of Teaching(Showing) the culture in the Learning of a Language.
    Thank you

    Yolanda Romero Cruz

  21. Fabian Gamarra

    1. students discuss about some photographs with a patner
    and ask the following questions what type of holidays they show and they have to compare the pictures

    2.then the students have to talk about where they usually spend their vacations and why

    2. next the students will hear an interview on a radio conversation about a cruise. Students will work in groups noting down the kind of travel and vocabulary they hear in the conversation. Students will read ten uncompleted sentences they have to complete the missing information in pairs. They try to predict what words they need to fill each gap.
    3. they will work with a partner some words and look at some extracts from the listening and they have to match the two halves. Then in small groups they talk about some statements given they decide why we use must or have to they have to re-write some sentences with the similar meaning to the sentence given using the word given.


    1. write some unfinished sentences on the board, or dictate them to the students
    2. . give the students the unfinished sentences and tell them that these are all suggestions for things they can do outside class to improve their listening skills. Unfortunately, the second half of each sentence has been lost
    3. in pairs , ask them to complete the sentences in any way they like.
    4. after about five minutes, pool the suggestions. Ask the students if they can add any further ideas for ways of practicing listening outside the class
    5. finally mix up the suggested answers and give them to the students at step 4. with the unfinished sentences. Ask them to fit the questions and answers together as a matching exercise. This will help them think of some ideas of their own


    First the teacher asked the students about their family activities and what they do with their relatives. I ask questions about the movie referring to the family values and members. I play the movie “ the incredibles”. They have to answer the questions and complete a workshop about the family behaviors


    GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To teach characteristics of Bogota -Colombia

    - To teach Colombian typical dish
    - To direct the students step to step in the preparation.
    - To speak to the students of the characteristics of Ajiaco.
    - To speak beliefs to the students on the characteristics of Bogotá, persons,
    customs and beliefs.
    -To do that the students eat a delicious Ajiaco.

    THE MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: The ingredients for Ajiaco, the necessary implements and a kitchen.

    The presentation

    The Ajiaco is preferred all the plates of the varied regional Colombian cuisine.

     It must be cooked to average fire in order that you eat them have sufficient time to fall apart little by little and this way to give this delicious thick consistency, it is necessary to use in casseroles preferably as mud.
     It is served with boiled rice, avocado and Colombian soda.
     The Ajiaco is considered to be the plate symbol of the Bogotá cuisine is served traditionally in familiar events and gets used to attend foreigners and friends who visit us.

    The recipe

    Ingredients (6 portions)

    3 pounds of potato Creole
    3 pounds of potato pastusa
    3 tender ears
    2 breasts of chicken with bone and without skin
    6 liters of water
    1 bucket of broth of hen
    A stem of onion talks A tie of leather straps Avocado, cream of milk, capers and go out to the taste

    The preparation

    1. Wash, peel you eat and cut them in not very thin slices and reserve.
    2. In a pot put the water and add the breasts with salt, the broth, the ears, the coriander
    and the onion and set to cook covered to fire way - high place.
    3. When the breast is cooked withdraw it, together with the onion and the coriander.
    4. Add you eat them and the bad leather straps, lower the temperature to average fire,
    cover and cook until it eats it fall apart and the soup thickens. It is an important to
    mix, occasionally with a spoon of wood to prevent it from sticking.
    5. In peace the breasts in not very small chunks. Already it is ready to serve.


    GERAL OBJECTIVE: To teach characteristics of Tolima- Colombia.

    - To teach the letter of the Sanjuanero, to speak about the aguardiente, the expression "carambas", the Joropo and customs in Tolima.
    - To show the video of the dance and to teach them to dance in order that they sit the
    taste on having danced it and recognize it on having listened to it

    THE MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Video and letter of the Sanjuanero, lounge of dances.
    En mi tierra todo es gloria
    cuando se canta el joropo, (bis)
    y si es que se va a bailar
    el mundo parece poco...
    sigamos cantando, sigamos bailando,
    sigamos cantando, ¡carambas!,
    que me vuelvo loco.
    Sírvame un trago de a cinco,
    sírvame otro de a cincuenta,
    y sirva y sirva sin descanso,
    hasta que pierda la cuenta.
    Y vamos a bailar al son de este joropo
    la vida hay que gozar.

    No hay guayabo que resista
    este joropo caliente,
    por eso está con celos
    mi compadre el guardiente,
    felices vienen y van
    sin pensar en el dinero,
    llevando tiple y guitarra
    pa' cantar el sanjuanero.
    Felices vienen y van
    sin pensar en el dinero,
    llevando tiple y guitarra
    pa' cantar el sanjuanero.
    Fuente: musica.com

    Autor: Letra: Sofía Gaitán de Reyes/
    Música: Anselmo Durán Plazas
    Ritmo: Joropo

    GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To teach characteristics of Amazonas- Colombia.

    - With images to show the natural diversity that there are in The Amazon, the animal species,
    tribes, transport, flora, climate, customs, beliefs.
    -To deliver a cross words with the words most named in the Amazon.

    THE MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: flash cards with Real photos and a cross words.

    P A C O L O M B I A U M S
    E F A A R T I M E H E K A
    Z U W A X R R U T S P I V
    F I G O Z I M I N A I R A
    Q I W O M O R U Y N U P G
    E F A G A S N H J U A K E
    L A M E R N I A Ñ C Q O E
    D E L F I N R O S A D O G
    U H O J T A L R Z Y O C A
    V E B I I N O I U E Ñ E V
    Z A W U M O S V R B E T A
    A E R E O Y R E O I C I S
    P E Y I H O K R L R A N E
    D I V E R S I T Y T T A Z


    my comment is here:

  24. Fabian Pàez, I see you didn't included the total expected information. What happened?

  25. Elena, you included all the activities following the given instructions. Good!

  26. Youlin, you also included the expected number of activities. Well done.

  27. Lady, nice activities! Keep on using blogs for your learning and teaching.

  28. Jorge, I was expecting a complete description of the provided activities. What happened?

  29. Angèlica, after reading your participation, it seems to me you only included one activity with different phases. Am I right?
    I was expecting three activities.

  30. Luis Carlos, it's interesting to see how you make use of the Internet to teach culture. I hope your classmates take advantage of those spaces too.

  31. Yolanda, although you included three different activities, aspecs such as kind of students they can be used with and resources are not presented. Why?

  32. Angela, you only included one activity. I was expecting three. What happened?

  33. Juan Carlos, you included interesting activities. I wonder if each one can only be taught to the specific kind of students you stated.

  34. Fabian Gamarra, it's nice to see you in this blog. You didn't say what kind of students the activities can be used with.

  35. Carolina Hernàndez, good for your own blog and the activities included.

  36. Cristian, although you included the three activities, they don't include the expected information. What happened?

  37. Johana Carolina, you included a long list of activities, but they are not characterized as expected. Why?

  38. Claudia, have your taught those activities in your English lessons?

  39. The teaching English as a international language show differences characteristics that depend within another factors, depend which are the main methods that a teacher must use, the purpose for which it is learning. My opinion to teach about our culture is important to know that the teacher has to emphasize the mother tongue simultaneously at other language that is to say , the idea is to find out strategies to teach at the students learn cultural content and to learn primarily about the context, for example: cultural Dance and folk music, (Vallenato music) cultural food (Ajiaco, Bandeja paisa) festival and carnivals, cultural films, etc. These are the reason as a foreign teacher must have clears to learn.
    To identity which are the customs, behaviours, and cultural events to teach at the students about Colombia.

    To introduce a new culture at the students and teach them why is important learn a true image from Colombia.

    • The students will be able to learn customs, behaviors and cultural events from Colombia.
    • The students will do a festival about some Colombia events like: Barranquillas’ Carnival, feria de Cali, Feria de Manizales, temporada taurina de Bogota and San Pedro Festival.
    • The students will dance and do an exhibition about Colombia events.

    The students have to learn which are the main events from Colombia, and they must do the activity class with every cultural event, after have to explain every Colombia festival with whole their customs, behaviors, dance and folk music cultural, cultural food and cultural films, the idea is to teach, that Colombia is a beautiful country, that Colombia there are so many good people, that Colombia there are buildings, cars, beautiful cities, beautiful places to visit, excellent food and so many things that people of the world can enjoy it, The Colombia Culture is rich in fauna and flora, water and the best coffee of the world, and I as a future teacher want to teach that Colombia is not drugs, cocaine and kidnaps. Thanks this my dynamic to teach culture in teaching English as an international language.

    Giovanny Rodriguez. Cod: 26041297
    La Salle University

  40. Giovanny, why did you only include one activity? I was expecting three of them.

  41. Sonia
    Depending on what we want to teach from a certain culture, we can design several activities to show the aspects we want our students to learn, but as we saw in the material, we have to be extremely careful when choosing the material, the subject and activities we are going to use.
    I would make an English festival and I would ask my students to choose in groups the country or culture they want to research about, then they would find all the necessary information to prepare the festival which would include music, food and any cultural expression students might find. While they present what they have researched about they have to explain also if English is used as an international, second or first language. The time for preparing the Festival would be about a month and each week students would have to hand in a paper in which they present the findings and plans they have in order to present the day of the festival.
    Some nice pictures are included.

  42. Sonia, I was expecting three different activities. I see you only included one.
    What happened?
